Week 22: FISE ecosystem integration progress

AskBob voice assistant

This week, our primary focus was on integrating AskBob into the FISE Concierge and FISE Lounge projects of teams 25 and 38, respectively. Throughout the week, Jeremy had several meetings with both teams to resolve integration issues (including the use of the new /voicequery endpoint) and ensure integration progress remained on track.

GET /query

As an alternative to sending a POST request to /query, we have also made /query available via GET requests. This was functionality requested by the FISE Concierge group.

The following is an example of such a query:

   "query": "tell me a joke",
   "messages": [
         "text": "One joke, coming right up!"
         "text": "Doctor you've got you help me, I'm addicted to twitter. Doctor: I don't follow you."

Skills viewer web app

This week, we also added support for ingesting skills data from the AskBob /skills endpoint, thereby implementing the remaining functionality of the skills viewer. We also started writing unit tests for the web app using the Jest testing framework, as we had been doing for the configuration generator web app.